Monthly Archives: January 2014

A Day at the Grand Canyon of the Yellowstone


Yellowstone National Park is truly enormous. There are many natural wonders to explore but they are spread far and wide and so you face a lengthy drive to each destination. This fact makes checking the weather before you set out a very good idea but this is precisely what I didn’t do on the day I wanted to visit the Grand Canyon of the Yellowstone. Continue reading

Writing a Holiday Journal

My father recently found a holiday journal that my late mother had written several years ago. Seeing my mother’s work reminded me that there was a time when a diary and a photo album were the only ways to document your travels. The entries truly spoke of my mother’s great love of her favourite destination, Switzerland, and I realised that our modern ways of recording our travels can be a poor substitute for a well written journal. Continue reading

The Cats of Torre Argentina


Rome is a stunning city with architectural marvels around every corner. Tourists flock to the eternal city to marvel at the ancient Roman ruins and Renaissance masterpieces but there is one special place that many do not see which is situated just a few hundred metres from the busy and fashionable shopping area of Via Condotti and the Piazza Venezia at the heart of the city. Largo di Torre Argentina is a beautiful square containing some spectacular Roman ruins but is equally notable for its feline residents. Continue reading

Yellowstone National Park

Growing up I was a great fan of Yogi Bear and knew that his fictional home Jellystone Park was based on Yellowstone. Years later and with a firmly established love of both bears and the great American outdoors it was inevitable that I should eventually pay a visit to the United States’ inaugural National Park and I set out with great expectations and the hope that I would see at least one of Yogi’s cousins.

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